The problem with sailing is the more you learn about it, the more you realize all the ways the ocean is out to get you.
When you are new to sailing and in the middle of the Ocean on a 48ft boat, there is a lot to be worried about. What if the weather changes or what if there is a storm? What if something goes wrong, what if we fall in, what if we hit a container or whale?
In everyday life, I tend to apply the rule that I can only worry about things that are in my control, the rest you sort of have to let go of. However, if I’m on a boat with my husband, we are 100% in control of how we react to any life or death situation. It’s called seamanship.
I think the most important thing to remember is to recognize your limits and don’t do sailing routes that are beyond your comfort or experience.
Let’s start to worry less and let’s begin to appreciate more. The beauty of the sea, the energy of the waves, the miracle of seeing dolphins swim next to the boat and much more.
What fears do you have about living on a boat and sailing around the world and how did you overcome them?
Liebe Biggi,
großartig, dein Blog! Da könnte selbst ich zum Segelfan werden……wenn da nicht diese Übelkeit wäre….
Ganz liebe Grüße vom Rhein, Sabine ( die Wolke, so kennst du mich von Tim u Ada)