
Embracing Turkey’s Stunning Nature and Vibrant Lifestyle in GÖCEK 

Von |2024-11-17T16:39:05+01:00November 17th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing, Türkei|Tags: , , , |

We are overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of Turkey and the vibrant spirit of the sailing community in Göcek. GÖCEK Boat Trip Tip: Let’s escape the November blues! Find a cheap direct flight from Germany to Turkey 🇹🇷 (check out all the direct flights of from Germany to Turkey: and enjoy 25°C sunshine in beautiful Göcek. Sail, swim, play tennis, and indulge in incredible Turkish food.  Awesome direct flight to 🇹🇷 Rixos Premium GÖCEK Nestled along Turkey’s southwestern coast, Muğla is a hidden gem that combines rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and charming coastal towns. Whether you’re a beach lover, a history buff, or a nature enthusiast, Muğla has something for everyone! Imagine waking up to the turquoise waters of the Aegean Sea in Göcek , a town known for its beautiful restaurants and the impressive Bay of Göcek, that overlooks the harbor. The picturesque bay is surrounded by lush hills and dotted with sailboats—perfect for a day on the water or a sunset cruise. Muğla is also a paradise for foodies. Savor the flavors of freshly caught seafood, mezze, and delicious local olive oils. Wander through local markets where you’ll find fresh produce, vibrant spices, and the unique artisan goods that make this area so special. Between its coastal towns, ancient ruins, crystal-clear waters, and warm Mediterranean climate, Muğla feels like a world of its own. It’s a place where every day brings a new discovery, and you’ll leave with a longing to come back. RIXOS SAILING CUP GÖCEK 2024 Sooo relaxing….

Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez 

Von |2024-10-07T05:37:05+02:00Oktober 7th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

We are thrilled!  Participating in Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez is to immerse yourself in the very soul of sailing. It’s an experience where tradition and innovation converge, set against the timeless elegance of the French Riviera. Sabine und Peter auf ihrer PlayStation PS5 The regatta is not just a competition; it embodies a lifestyle—where the art of sailing meets the sophistication of French culture. This is Saint-Tropez at its finest—a celebration of wind, sea, and the pursuit of perfection. Great Team Spirit Quel spectacle !  Exceptional days with all the boats on the water, moderns, classics, maxis, great wind and team spirit on PlayStation PS5. Just great fun! Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez are on! Merci, Team PlayStation for having us : two generations, one passion, united by a shared spirit and love for sailing. Die Voiles de Saint-Tropez ist der absolute Höhepunkt für alle, die das Segeln im Blut haben. Es ist nicht nur eine Regatta, sondern ein Fest für die Sinne – edle Yachten, glitzerndes Wasser und die unvergleichliche Atmosphäre der Côte d’Azur. Crew Parade Saint-Tropez verwandelt sich in dieser Woche in ein Mekka für Segelbegeisterte – und wir mittendrin!

In autumn we combine van and boat life, always staying self-sufficient thanks to our solar panels!

Von |2024-09-23T15:29:51+02:00September 23rd, 2024|Kategorien: all new, Sailing, Van|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Combination of boat life and van life ! Our new Van „Klaus“ and my Solar Panel in Bolgheri This time, we packed up „Klaus“, our trusty van, to take on Tuscany—half the trip sailing the seas, the other half cruising through vineyards and countryside, living our best van-lifer meets sailor dream! We arrived in Italy after a challenging drive through Austria's stormy, snow-covered mountains. Grateful we made it safely, and now it’s time to settle in for my very first night in the van. Excited to see what this new adventure has in store! First stop Bolgheri: Bolgheri, nestled along the stunning cypress-lined Allee, is a must-visit for wine lovers and nature enthusiasts alike. Famous for its prestigious modern wines like Sassicaia and Ornellaia, this Tuscan gem offers more than just a sip of fine wine. Three things you must do: stroll or bike down the iconic Cypress Avenue, visit the charming medieval village of Bolgheri, and indulge in a wine-tasting tour at one of its world-renowned vineyards. Check out our new Sunware RX Solar Panel - Solar to Go! We love living self-sufficient wherever we are! Just lay out, plug in, and you’re powered up – includes a plug-in charge controller!  Check out: Cala Violina Beach, with its crystal-clear waters and pristine sands, is just a short and scenic bike ride away from our home port, the beautiful Marina di Scarlino. A perfect spot to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of Tuscany's coastline! Tuscany is the heartbeat of culture, beauty, and the art of living! A little sailing trip to Elba island  Elba Island holds a special place in my heart, as I came here every summer when I was a young girl, creating unforgettable memories! 🌊 Here are 5 fun facts about this stunning Mediterranean haven: 1. [...]

Zurück in der Toskana : My passion is my energy!

Von |2024-08-18T11:47:03+02:00August 18th, 2024|Kategorien: about us, Atlantic Crossing, Boatlife, Côte d'Azur, Elba, Nautor’s Swan, Sailing, Worldcruising|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Maremma……. Finalmente Arrival Marina di Scarlino Müde aber happy! Große Erleichterung direkt nach der Ankunft! Vier Monate lang war mein Zuhause ein schwankendes Segelboot, das sanft auf den Wellen tanzte, während ich in meiner Koje lag, eingehüllt in die ruhige Stille der Nacht. Es ist ein Gefühl, das schwer in Worte zu fassen ist, wenn man jeden Morgen aufwacht und eine neue Insel, eine unbekannte Bucht oder ein fremdes Land vor sich hat. Grazie Ambra …. home is where my anchor drops ! Ambra is back in Europe Die Ungewissheit und das Abenteuer lockten jeden Tag aufs Neue, und diese Zeit war für Torsten und mich eine der eindrucksvollsten Erfahrungen unseres Lebens. In good shape after crossing the Atlantic twice! Unsere große Atlantik-Runde war mehr als nur eine Segelreise – sie war eine Reise zu uns selbst. Weit weg von der Hektik des Alltags haben wir das Tempo oft verlangsamt, die einfachen Dinge wieder schätzen gelernt und uns von der Schönheit der Natur überwältigen lassen. Jeder Tag war anders und gerade diese Abwechslung hat uns unglaublich bereichert.  Nach vielen Tausend Seemeilen wieder zuhause in der Toskana! Well done my hero ♥️ Die Ankunft in der Toskana war ein emotionaler Moment. Nach Monaten auf See, in denen das Boot unser einziger Zufluchtsort war, war es fast überwältigend, im Heimathafen von Scarlino anzukommen. Buongiorno Italia Alles war so vertraut und unkompliziert, als ob wir nie weg gewesen wären. Die Menschen, die Gerüche, die Geräusche – all das vermittelte uns ein tiefes Gefühl von Ankommen und Zugehörigkeit.  Magnum zur Begrüßung am Heimat-Hafen, grazie Nautor Swan Global Service Es ist so schön, wieder festen Boden unter den Füßen zu spüren, und die Familie und Freunde wieder so nah bei uns zu haben. Nach ein paar Wochen zurück in München und Kitzbühel, wo wir die [...]

Hi guys! We’re back in the Mediterranean Sea and loving it!

Von |2024-07-28T17:19:13+02:00Juli 28th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|

Sardegna, Stintino Asinara After being away for 2 years, we're back and deeply moved by the unparalleled beauty of Europe. After exploring the breathtaking quiet bays of Asinara, Sardegna and Bonifacio’s dramatic cliffs we are snorkeling in the clear waters of Îles Lavezzi! Sometimes, it takes stepping away to truly appreciate the splendor that surrounds us. Asinara 1. Sailing here is awesome—so much calmer than dodging storms in the Caribbean. 2. Can't wait to show you more content about Sardegna and Corsica—ready for some Mediterranean magic! 3. Currently anchored in beautiful Îles Lavezzi near Bonifacio—time to act like true sailing bloggers and find the perfect bay for you! Lavezzi Islands Bonifacio Here are 3 facts about Bonifacio, Corsica: 1. Clifftop Town: Bonifacio is perched on stunning limestone cliffs above the Mediterranean Sea, offering incredible views. 2. Ancient History: It’s one of Corsica’s oldest towns, dating back to 828 AD, filled with historical charm. 3. Lavezzi Islands: Just off the coast, the Lavezzi Islands offer pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, perfect for snorkeling and diving. Home is where your anchor drops, but some places are so special they leave you speechless. Avoid August, it’s too crowded! Tip for you: Don’t miss Asinara, Sardegna with its serene waters and unspoiled beauty, is one of my favorite places in the world. And here, in the midst of the dry and arid vegetation, stands the former penitentiary, which "hosted" illustrious names of organized crime, including the ex-Cosa Nostra boss Totò Riina and former Camorra chief Raffaele Cutolo. But the Asinara super prison was also a place of refuge for the late judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, who were put under protection until the start of the maxi trial. Asinara …. so quiet! Drone flight

Passing Gibraltar: How to navigate the Orca Alley

Von |2024-07-26T13:18:52+02:00Juli 26th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , |

  Preparing Ambra for our sailing adventure from the Azores back to the Mediterranean involved meticulous planning, especially considering the recent rise in orca whale attacks on sailing vessels. Our primary concern was ensuring the safety of our crew and vessel, so we decided to equip Ambra with the Whale-PAL, a cutting-edge deterrent device designed to protect against orca encounters.     Installation and Setup   The Whale-PAL is a torpedo-shaped device that emits a range of acoustic signals to deter orcas. We attached it to the stern of Ambra using a 10-meter steel line and an otter board (included when you buy the device) to maintain a depth of about 2 meters. This setup ensures that the device remains effective without being affected by the boat's speed or sea conditions.     Benefits and Effectiveness   The Whale-PAL significantly reduces the probability of orca damage from 11% to just 1.8%, an 85% reduction. It emits signals every four seconds, including random secondary sounds to prevent orcas from becoming accustomed to the noise. This increases the likelihood of safely navigating through orca-prone areas to 98.2%.     Practical Experience   During our voyage, the Whale-PAL provided a noticeable sense of security. The crew felt more at ease knowing that we had a scientifically-backed deterrent in place. This psychological benefit cannot be overstated, as a calm crew is better able to handle unexpected situations. We did not see any Orcas during our passage through Gibraltar. This could be of course luck or may be the PAL protected us. The Whale-PAL does not prevent dolphins from approaching, we saw in fact quite a lot of dolphins passing Gibraltar and they came very close to the boat. Overall, it appears to be a promising solution to help protect boats and crews from [...]

Learn from us: PredictWind Datahub Review – Insights from 2 Atlantic Crossings!

Von |2024-07-26T16:58:19+02:00Juli 25th, 2024|Kategorien: Equipment, Sailing, Starlink, PredictWind|Tags: , , , , , , |

PredictWind Datahub Review This article is a test review of the PredictWind DataHub, the pros and cons and explains how we used the system in combination with PredictWind the leading weather application (please check out our report on Predictwind) on board of Ambra during our last two Atlantic crossings. As sailors aboard the sailing vessel Ambra, we’ve found the PredictWind and the DataHub to be an invaluable tool for our voyages. This smart device has revolutionized how we access and utilize marine data and communications while at sea. Online connectivity and cost is a very important topic discussed in the sailing community. When you sail in the Baltic Sea or the med and visit a marina every night it might not be a problem for you. You might have European wide roaming on your mobile handset and in most marinas you will be able to find a decent wifi internet connection to check your weather forecast and data. In case you start sailing abroad communication and least cost routing becomes an important and costly topic. In the past we bought a local SIM card in a given country you are visiting and offshore most sailors relied on Iridium Go (in the past SSB) to download news or weather informations. This is very costly and you need to install a firewall to protect the systems from unwanted satellite traffic. We have meet sailors, who lost their entire satellite data subscripton  for a couple of hundert dollars overnight, because a computer downloaded a virus update over the Iridium connection. Now Starlink has become a major game changer for the boating community. Here in the Carribean Sea most of the vessels have Starlink on board. Starlink is a global satellite data service and can be used on and offshore. The data [...]

Perfect Days in Provence

Von |2024-07-05T19:48:29+02:00Juli 4th, 2024|Kategorien: France, Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , |

This French Fairy-tale Trip Is a Down-to-earth Alternative to the Glitzy Riviera! Cabrière d’Avignon, our private house for a week! Before setting sail from the Azores to Gibraltar, we're enjoying an amazing week with 12 friends in France. We are discovering together the magic of the Luberon in Provence: wandering through fragrant lavender fields, marveling at the historic l’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, and soaking in the vibrant hues of the Sentier des Ocres. And let's not forget the exquisite French cuisine—every meal is an adventure in itself! Provence in lavender season is the prettiest sight and will stay in your memory forever. The best way to see all this purple magic is to embark on a road trip through the region. In the heart of the Luberon, in a landscape of breathtaking beauty, lies the Abbey of Sénanque. This majestic building is one of the most emblematic treasures of the Luberon. Founded in 1148 by Cistercian monks, the Abbey of Sénanque is a remarkable example of Romanesque architecture. Its simple and austere appearance fits perfectly with the surrounding landscape of lavender fields and green hills. The abbey was built of local stone, which makes it harmonise perfectly with its natural surroundings. Sentier des Ocres We loved the intensely colored ocher deposits against the green forest on the high cliffs of Roussillon by hiking on its official trail, Le Sentier des Ocres. The easily walkable trail is along a former ocher quarry surrounded by woods. Ocher is used to make paint pigment, and many of the local shops sell jars of the pigments in a variety of colors. Sentier des Ocres Insider Tip: On a Sunday morning in L’Isle sur la Sorgue the market winds through the old town and along the quay (river walk). There are only a few Sunday [...]

Atlantic Crossing from West to East: One Team – One Dream!

Von |2024-05-22T14:53:23+02:00Mai 22nd, 2024|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Sailing, Sturmwarnung|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Andreas, Torsten, André and Ulli, one day after the storm! 3,000 nautical miles later, here they are! The America-Europe crossing from Miami to the Azores was an extraordinary challenge. The route was more complicated and the journey more difficult due to intense weather conditions. They faced a fierce storm, relentless rain, waves up to 5 meters, and powerful currents reaching 46 knots for extended periods. Arriving with no fuel in the tank and no wind on the island of Flores in the Azores was mind-blowing and nerve-wracking, both for the crew and the back-office team at home. This feat demanded immense courage, determination, and an unyielding passion for sailing. Well done, guys! We are incredibly proud of you. More to come, can’t wait for the full story of my captain Torsten and the Team! This was the hard route back! All hail to the team on their expertise and bravery!!

Thrilled to be Featured! Italy’s Prestigious Yacht Magazine Vela e Motore Showcases Our Voyage

Von |2024-05-18T07:25:20+02:00Mai 18th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|

What an unexpected delight! Just learned that Italy's renowned yacht magazine, Vela e Motore, featured our voyage in their latest issue. Feeling honored and thrilled for this recognition! You can find Vela e Motore on Readly!

A peaceful oasis – Harbour Island and Windermere Island

Von |2024-05-08T08:19:16+02:00Mai 8th, 2024|Kategorien: Harbour Island, Eleuthera, Windermere Island, Nautor’s Swan, Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , |

We have explored nearly every cove of Harbour Island and larger Eleuthera , unoccupied when the first British settlers arrived in the 17th century. The Queens Bath (a collection of natural pools) on the latter is quite extraordinary. Private Island, Windermere Windermere Island, which is joined to Eleuthera by a bridge, is where we spent an awesome day on the beach. There are five miles of golden sand, peaceful lagoons and fiery sunsets. Over the decades, Windermere Island has retained its reputation of being home to those looking for privacy. Accessible only by a small guarded bridge that connects it to the mainland, and by invitation only. IT'S WHERE KING CHARLES, HONEYMOONED WITH PRINCESS DIANA - BUT WE HAD WINDERMERE PRIVATE ISLAND BEACH ALL to ourselves . HARBOUR ISLAND—a tiny sliver of land in the easternmost reaches of the Bahamas—is sometimes called the Nantucket of the Caribbean because of its concentration of billionaires, celebrities and colonial-era houses. Cocoa Dont miss Harbour Island, go to Sweet Spot Cafe, for exotic cocktails, such as an island daiquiri, made from coconut rum, mango pineapple and orange juice, or a Coral Heat, with vodka, grapefruit juice, black pepper, lime and sugar. Cocoa Coffee House makes the best cold-brew coffee and Queen Conch the best conch salad. No sailing adventure is complete without indulging in the local cuisine, so don't miss out on the best conch salad at Queen Conch, a true Bahamian delicacy rumored to be an aphrodisiac. Conch heaven The freshly caught conch is removed from its shell, cleaned in saltwater to remove the slop and slime (it gets better, don’t give up reading yet) and then freshwater, sliced up and served with onions, tomatoes, sweet pepper, salt, hot pepper, locally grown sweet oranges and fresh lime. They say it’s an aphrodisiac. Ride [...]

Warderick Wells and Shroud Cay: Shades of turquoise!

Von |2024-04-16T21:05:44+02:00April 16th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The first significant island in the Exuma Cays Park is Shroud Cay, a curious 3-mile-long isle fringed by coral reefs with a heartland of mangroves and creeks. These areas offer really outstanding exploration by kayak, paddleboard or dinghy (if you're careful) through the mangrove creeks from the Exuma Bank side through to a gorgeous ocean beach on Exuma Sound. Trails from the beach to the top of the hill are clearly identifiable and you can climb to the top and take in a spectacular 360° view. This is a "must-see" if you enjoy pristine, spectacular, natural beauty and tranquility. Side Trip: Boo-Boo Hill Located on Warderick Wells, Boo-Boo Hill is the tallest hill on the cay and offers an amazing panoramic view of the Exumas as well as an unforgettable photo op. Atop Boo-Boo Cay is a lopsided monument created by bits of carved and painted driftwood left by cruisers to commemorate their visits. Legend has it that it's haunted by the unfortunate souls that have gone aground on the reef below. Some say you can hear them singing on moonlit nights (or it could just be the wind howling)...Nevertheless, the tradition is for cruisers to leave an offering atop Boo-Boo Hill to appease King Neptune and be blessed with good winds and smooth seas. Some come with pre-prepared signs or wood and paint, while others scrounge the beach for driftwood, seaweed, shells, coral and other treasures and make their offering on the spot. We haven't heard yet if it makes a difference what kind of offering you make but why not try it? It can't hurt.

Sailing the Exumas: A Seafarer’s Paradise

Von |2024-04-11T16:25:07+02:00April 11th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , |

With a string of 365 islands stretching over 100 miles, the Exumas offer a myriad of experiences for those seeking the ultimate sailing adventure. Now, let's chart our course and explore the best sailing options in the Exumas. While the entire archipelago beckons with its allure, for those with limited time, here's a curated itinerary to make the most of your trip! With the vastness of the Exumas, it's wise to focus on one region to truly soak in the splendor. Our journey begins by setting sail towards the northern Exumas, with our sights set on the enchanting Staniel Cay. The 10-day Exuma Sailing Itinerary: A Day-by-Day Adventure Day 1: Begin your odyssey by crossing the Yellow Bank to Highbourne Cay. Stop midway for lunch and snorkeling amidst the breathtaking coral heads. As the sun sets, anchor near the pristine beaches of Highbourne Cay, setting the stage for an unforgettable journey. Day 2: Sail south to the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, a sprawling marine sanctuary teeming with underwater wonders. Dive into the adventure by navigating the mangrove river at Shroud Cay, a surreal experience leading to a thrilling water slide. Day 3: Discover the jewel of the Exumas Park, Warderick Wells, where turquoise waters meet untouched beaches. Secure a mooring ball at Emerald Rock and hike to Boo Boo Hill, leaving behind a piece of driftwood as a sailor's tradition. Day 4: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Staniel Cay, indulging in the delights of the Staniel Cay Yacht Club. Swim with the famous pigs at Pig Beach and explore the mystical Thunderball Grotto, a snorkeler's paradise featured in James Bond movies. Day 5: Venture onwards to Lee Stocking Island, a haven for relaxation and exploration. Hike to Perry’s Peak or simply unwind amidst the turquoise waters, [...]

Island Hopping Bliss: Navigating the Bahamas aboard a 48-Foot Monohull Sailboat

Von |2024-04-08T20:36:39+02:00April 8th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Islands of The Bahamas spread themselves out over a geographic area more than 500 nm long! The Bahamas are not one continuous cruising ground, and are grouped into several different archipelagos and several larger islands, and each one has a unique flavor of cruising. Each offers its own set of cruising destinations. You can choose to visit a single island chain or visit them all. You can speed your way through the country, moving to a new anchorage every night, or you can slow down to island time and spend months in each place. Between each island chain lies a bluewater passage to be made. Most trips are in the 40 to 60 mm range, within the bounds of a day sail for most boats. But passage planning and waiting for good weather are essential. Your departure and arrival points usually have narrow, high current cuts to navigate. The Exuma Cays Most Instagram pictures of The Bahamas are taken in the Exumas. They are home to gin-clear water, the original and most famous swimming pigs and friendly nurse sharks that like to be stroked. The Exumas stretch from near Nassau until they almost touch Long Island. There are small settlements along the way but what most folks come to see are the unspoiled beaches with dream-like tropical water. Cruising the Exumas requires a good watch on the weather and moving around. The islands offer few protected anchorages. Most of the popular anchorages are exposed to southwest and westerly winds, making them uncomfortable (and possibly unsafe) in some conditions. The deep blue Exuma Sound borders the cays to the east and the shallow and green Great Bahama Bank to the west. You can hop between the two as needed using the many cuts between islands. But be aware: Those cuts [...]

Bahamas: It’s all ours to explore!

Von |2024-04-08T15:37:21+02:00April 8th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Bahamas: It's all ours to explore! Yesterday we arrived in Long Island Bahamas after a trip of more than 230 NM from Provo, Turks and Caicos. We left the Caicos Banks with just 1m under the keel –it was an adrenaline-pumping sail! Caicos Bank Think of the Caicos Bank as a 60-nm wide, circular, reef-fringed atoll. Water depths on the Bank run from around 6 meters/20 feet to 0 MLW. Proven transit routes carry about 2.4 meters/8 feet. Much of the Bank remains unsurveyed. Whatever the skill level, the prudent sailor will ensure that visual navigation is employed when transiting Turks and Caicos. This means daylight travel only and in sunlight and good weather facilitating bottom reading. The navigation aids are not always reliable and shifting sands and submerged rocks and reefs are just some of the hazards. Tide highs and lows are close to Nassau high and low tides. Sailing the azure waters from Turks and Caicos to Long Island, 🏝️Bahamas at 9/10 knots speed, wind 💨 20 knots , 26 hours fueled by delicious chicken, tomato, and greek cheese wraps crafted by our awesome friend Anette. The captain Torsten at the helm, who stayed awake the whole night, ensuring a smooth and unforgettable journey. Happy to be here! The Bahamas are made up of nearly 700 islands, most of which remain uninhabited. It is sometimes difficult for us to leave beautiful places and set out again and again. But there always remains the expectation of getting to know new and beautiful places. And almost always that is true, especially in the Bahamas. In the afternoon we reached the entrance of Calabash Bay at high tide. Looking out over the sea, it is hard to believe that it is just a narrow channel leading into the bay with sufficient [...]

Nassau: Colonial Splendor, Caribbean Charms, and Cruise Ship Chaos

Von |2024-03-28T12:01:39+01:00März 28th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Three days in Nassau: admidst its bustling cruise ship industry, we discovered some charming colonial attractions. As Torsten battled the wind alone on , we bid farewell to Anette and Mark, welcoming Laurence and Jaci into our island adventure. In two days in Nassau, you can visit historical sites like Fort Charlotte and Queen's Staircase, explore colonial architecture in downtown, experience local culture at the Straw Market, and unwind at Junkanoo Beach. Discovering Nassau's colonial charm : historic sites, vibrant culture, and a lot of cruise ship tourists crowding the streets, often leading to long lines at popular attractions and a more commercialized atmosphere in some areas. Bye, Bye Nassau! After a stunning sail, we arrived at Highborne Cay in the Exumas under the cloak of nightfall. Thank you @ Margaritaville Beach Resort for having us!

Playa Playa Rincón & Las Terrenas: A Beach Lover’s Paradise

Von |2024-03-09T21:02:37+01:00März 9th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Playa Rincón When you think of your next sailing adventure in the Caribbean, surely you have pictured an idyllic destination, in which you will find remarkable beaches. Drone view Do you want to know something? These places exist, in fact they can be found ! One is Playa Rincón and we are completely smitten with it. Want to know why? Playa Rincón is a tropical wonder that you must visit on your trip to Samaná Bay. This is considered one of the best beaches in the world due to its turquoise-blue water, 2.5 miles of fine white sand and lush surroundings and can be found approximately one hour away by car from our Marina in Samaná. Samaná, a hidden gem in the Dominican Republic, is a treasure trove for those seeking not just sun-soaked beaches but also culinary delights that will tantalize your taste buds. Let's embark on a gastronomic journey, navigating the aisles of supermarkets and the vibrant markets brimming with fresh fruits and vegetables. For a more authentic experience, head to the local markets, where the heart of Samaná's culinary scene beats. The markets are a kaleidoscope of colors, showcasing the richness of Dominican produce. Here, you'll find farmers proudly displaying their harvest, offering a chance to connect with the vibrant local culture. Picture yourself negotiating for the juiciest mangoes, sampling exotic fruits you've never encountered, and immersing yourself in the lively atmosphere. The markets are not just about shopping; they're about experiencing the pulse of Samaná's food culture. Samaná, with its stunning landscapes, is a treasure trove for beach enthusiasts, and Las Terrenas is another gem waiting to be explored. If you're up for the adventure, renting a car from Porto Bahia Marina provides the freedom to uncover the beauty of Las Terrenas. However, be prepared for [...]

Dominican Republic: Bahia San Lorenzo and Los Haitises National Park

Von |2024-03-05T19:02:06+01:00März 4th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|

Just when you think you've seen it all, Mother Nature surprises you! Now and then, Mother Nature brings me to my knees, and shows me that while I may have seen a lot of her violence and her beauty in my lifetime, I haven’t seen it all! We dropped anchor in the tranquil embrace of Bahia San Lorenzo, a haven that grants access to the awe-inspiring Cave (Cueva de la Linea) nestled within the enchanting Haitises National Park. In the morning the bay unfolded its charm—a fusion reminiscent of Ha Long Bay in Vietnam and Ko Pi Pi in Thailand. Haitises National Park, a treasure trove of natural wonders, unveils its uniqueness through the symbiotic dance of mangroves, the rugged karst landscape, and the captivating islets. These islets are impressive: rocks 30-40m high, coming out of the sea and covered in lush vegetation and rice fields. Some scenes of Jurassic Park were recorded here in Los Haitises, and we can see why. It really is like a lost world. Navigating through a short dinghy trip beneath the sprawling canopy of big shady mangroves, we discovered that Los Haitises boasts the largest mangrove forests in the Caribbean. As our boat gracefully glided through secluded bays and islands, we were joined by a graceful entourage of frigate birds and pelicans, nature's companions accompanying our maritime odyssey. A brief walk of just 20 minutes led us to the doorstep of a hidden gem: Paraiso Cano Hondo, a sanctuary where the elements harmonize, offers a retreat into a magical world. This amazing eco-lodge is surrounded by many waterfalls, which are flowing right through the property, creating many natural swimming pools. You can cool down in these pools, enjoy the refreshing water, take stunning photos and find your private spot.  A truly magical place. Rice [...]

Sailing Through the Mystical Mona Passage

Von |2024-02-26T21:37:18+01:00Februar 26th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|

Last week we set our course across the mystical Mona Passage to SAMANA BAY (DOM REP). With 150 nautical miles ahead, (22 hours of sailing) the Mona Passage demands our full respect and attention. With anticipation, our sails catch the Caribbean breeze, guiding us to the Bay of Samana. The thrill of witnessing humpback whales in their natural habitat becomes the heartbeat of our adventure. Isla Mona, nestled proudly in Puerto Rico's embrace, unveils depths beyond a thousand meters, guarded by the notorious "Hourglass Shoal" near the Dominican Republic, warning of challenges like "Tide rips and heavy swells." Surprisingly, the undersea extension of the Dominican Republic's east coast, shaped like a horizontal hourglass, defies expectations. It reveals depths on both sides, marking the border between the Caribbean Sea and the vast North Atlantic. Night sailing brings a unique charm, but do you ever feel a hint of fear when navigating the open waters in the dark? Share your thoughts below! As sailors, our focus extends beyond navigating treacherous waters; it embraces the vibrant marine life. The Bay of Samana beckons, promising encounters with humpback whales. Every year, up to 2,000 of these gentle giants grace these waters, turning it into a breathtaking spectacle. Entering Samana Bay at sunrise, we were captivated by the beauty of the Dominican Republic and delighted to witness 8 whales dancing in the morning light. An enchanting start to a day filled with ocean wonders. Torsten after 20 hours Arrival Samaná Bay Docked at Puerto Bahia Marina in Samana Bay—where every boater's dream is met. From accommodating vessels up to 150 feet to full-service amenities, 2 Restaurants, wifi, mini-market, gym, and 2 infinity pools. A sailor's haven with the perfect blend of luxury and convenience. Highly recommend making this marina your port of call! From morning [...]

Sailing & Surf Paradise: Exploring the Southern Charms of Puerto Rico

Von |2024-02-20T13:23:55+01:00Februar 18th, 2024|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Boatlife, Nautor’s Swan, Puerto Rico, Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , |

Embarking on a nautical journey in the south of Puerto Rico unveils a world where the waves become your dance partners! Rincon's Serenade of Surf and Sun: Rincon, known for its mesmerizing waves, attracts sailors seeking the perfect blend of adventure and tranquility. As a sailing enthusiast, navigating through the crystalline waters surrounding Rincon feels like choreography with the ocean's rhythmic dance. The vibrant surf culture adds a unique charm to this coastal gem, making it an ideal destination for those craving a connection with both nature and the thrill of the sea. Don’t miss the LIGHTHOUSE | Surrounding the Faro de Punta Higuero (Rincón's lighthouse), Parque Pasivo El Faro has small kiosks at the water's edge. If you're lucky, you may spot a whale in the distance. Exploring Ponce – Carnival, History, and Beyond: Ponce has a yesteryear charm and an increasingly cosmopolitan vibe! Dive into the vibrant chaos of the Ponce Carnival, a lively celebration that unfolds with colorful parades, music, and a jubilant atmosphere. Ponce's vejigante masks are made of lapermâché and are most prominent during the February carnival. Many have tican and Native American elements. Sailing into Ponce provides a unique perspective, allowing you to witness the festivities from the tranquil waters, creating a memorable contrast to the lively streets. Ponce Yacht and Fishing Club: For sailors seeking a haven off the coast, the Ponce Yacht and Fishing Club is a maritime sanctuary. Nestled in a picturesque setting, this club offers not just a dock for your vessel but a community where fellow sailors share tales of the sea. Enjoy the camaraderie, facilities, and perhaps even participate in local regattas for an added dash of competitive spirit. From food trucks to farm-to-table restaurants to simple roadside stands, the southwest has great dining and snacking options. Sample [...]

Sailing Serenity: Exploring the Unspoiled Beauty of Isla de Vieques

Von |2024-02-13T15:13:20+01:00Februar 13th, 2024|Kategorien: Puerto Rico, Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Looking for a place to play Robinson Crusoe? Well, here you can wander along almost any stretch of sand and rarely see another soul. As you sail along the pristine coastline, the allure of secluded beaches and untouched landscapes welcomes you to a world of tranquility. For decades, Vieques grappled with a tumultuous history, marked by a clash between islanders and distant federal authorities. Two-thirds of the island's expanse, predominantly on the eastern end, served as a U.S. Navy bombing range, while the western tip functioned as an ammunition dump. The aftermath of a tragic bombing incident in April 1999 sparked widespread protests, eventually leading to the military's departure on May 1, 2003. Paradoxically, the military presence inadvertently shielded Vieques from rampant resort development. Today, the former naval grounds have transformed into the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge. The woodsy western end boasts cycling trails, offering a scenic ride around Monte Pirata, the island's highest peak. Year by year, more of the eastern region opens up, granting access to breathtaking beaches that gently slope into the calm embrace of turquoise waters. One of the refuge's highlights is Puerto Mosquito, a bay shaped like a flask inhabited by bioluminescent microorganisms. Kayakers can revel in the enchanting spectacle of glowing waters at night, creating a mesmerizing experience amidst nature's wonders. Sailing the turquoise waters around Vieques, Puerto Rico, with a light breeze, savoring lobster delights, and celebrating 35 years of cherished friendship with Angela Barzen 💋 As you sail around Vieques, the endless palms lining the shore stand testament to the island's pristine allure. The absence of resort developers, coupled with the protection afforded by the wildlife refuge, ensures an untouched paradise for those seeking solace on the high seas. In the embrace of Isla de Vieques, the echoes of a tumultuous past [...]

Setting sail for Culebra and Culebrita, the jewels of the Spanish Virgin Islands

Von |2024-02-04T11:56:29+01:00Februar 3rd, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|

Located just to the west of the USVI and BVI, the islands of Vieques, Culebra, and Culebrita dominate the Spanish Virgin Islands cruising grounds. You’ll find all sorts of habitats including mangroves, rocky coastlines, vibrant coral, and gorgeous caribbean sandy beaches. Top highlights include hiking to the lighthouse on Culebrita, swimming, visiting the notorious target practice tanks on stunning Flamenco Beach (or Playa Flamenco) at Culebra, and witnessing the bioluminescence at Mosquito Bay. Lighthouse As we made our way around the east end of Culebra, the island of Culebrita came into view. We headed over to Culebrita, and we anchored Ambra in turquoise water near the Culebrita Lighthouse. Drone view The lighthouse is the only remaining Spanish-era structure in the Culebra archipelago. Construction of the lighthouse began on September 25, 1882, and was completed on February 25, 1886. The Spanish Crown built the lighthouse to help secure its claim over the main island of Culebra. We set off on a 15-minuted hike that afforded some amazing views. We spent a long while up at the lighthouse, and we got some beautiful photos. Savoring a serene dinner aboard Ambra as the Caribbean sun dips below the horizon. Under the moonlit sky, giant fishes gracefully dance around our boat, adding a touch of enchantment to our nautical journey. Join us, where waves tell tales of the past, and every shore promises tranquility. Back to boat life, where the gentle sway of our Swan 48 becomes the rhythm of our days. Embracing the serenity of living aboard, the sea becomes our home once again.


Von |2024-01-31T15:35:04+01:00Januar 31st, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , |

La Terraza di San Juan Boutique Hotel, a lovely place to discover the city! Old San Juan is Puerto Rico's quintessential colonial neigh-borhood. Narrow streets and plazas are still enclosed by thick fortress walls, and bougainvillea bowers spill over exquisite facades. A walk along streets paved with slate-blue cobblestones leads past colonial mansions, ancient churches, and intriguing museums and galleries. Vivacious restaurants and bars that teem with life young and old are always nearby, making it easy to refuel and reinvigorate anytime during your stroll. Vibrant hues and lively spirit paint the canvas of life in Puerto Rico, where every moment is a celebration of color and culture. San Juan’s vibrant charm stole our hearts! Highly recommend this lively destination. Excitement builds as Captain Torsten sails our way, arriving tonight with Anke in tow.

Ahoy, fellow sailing enthusiasts – Embrace the winds of change !

Von |2023-11-03T07:04:30+01:00November 3rd, 2023|Kategorien: Sailing|

Enhance your brand's presence in the world of sailing! Today, we're going to set our course towards the fascinating world of influencer marketing and explore how it can benefit the sailing industry. So, hoist the sails and get ready for my deep dive into the advantages of influencer marketing. 1. Mass Reach: One of the most compelling advantages of influencer marketing is the massive audience reach it offers. Influencers typically boast a substantial following, which can be an invaluable channel to promote sailing-related products and services. Whether it's high-performance sailboats, innovative marine equipment, or sailing apparel, influencers can swiftly connect your brand with their extensive and engaged followers. 2. Relevance: The sailing community is all about authenticity, and influencer marketing thrives on just that. Followers genuinely choose to connect with influencers, making their product endorsements feel like a seamless addition to their personal preferences. When an influencer effectively promotes a sailing brand, it becomes an integral part of their followers' sailing world. 3. Trust: Building trust is a cornerstone of any successful brand, and influencers are no exception. These social media stars have invested time, effort, and dedication into crafting their own unique brand. Just like sailing brands strive to establish trust with their customers, influencers have earned the trust and loyalty of their followers. This trust can be seamlessly transferred to your sailing products or services when you partner with influencers. 4. Trendsetting: Influencers are trendsetters in their own right, and their followers look up to them as style and lifestyle icons. They influence not only the products their followers buy but also the experiences they seek. By partnering with influencers in the sailing industry, you can tap into their trendsetting abilities and present your brand as the epitome of what's in vogue on the open waters. 5. Clear [...]

Water Generators: Harnessing the Power of the Sea

Von |2023-10-19T12:52:50+02:00Oktober 15th, 2023|Kategorien: Energy Management, Hydro Generator, Sailing|Tags: , |

Introduction Sailing enthusiasts, imagine powering your vessel with the very essence of your environment – the sea itself. Water generators, like the groundbreaking Watt&Sea system, do just that. In this post, we delve deep into the world of water generators, uncovering their efficiency, minimal maintenance requirements, and unobtrusive operation. Let's set sail into a greener future! Efficiency on the Move One of the most remarkable features of water generators is their ability to generate electricity as your vessel sails. These innovative systems harness the energy produced by the movement of water against their adjustable blades. This unique characteristic makes them highly efficient, especially during passages and while cruising. As you navigate the waves, Watt&Sea quietly transforms water's kinetic energy into a renewable power source. Quiet and Unobtrusive Much like wind generators, water generators operate with a hushed grace that doesn't disturb the tranquility of your sailing experience. Imagine gliding across the water, listening to the soothing sounds of the sea, without the disruptive hum of traditional generators. Watt&Sea's commitment to preserving the serenity of your voyage is truly remarkable. Minimal Maintenance For sailors, the journey is everything. Water generators enhance this experience by requiring minimal maintenance. This means you can focus on your adventure, not on energy management. However, it's important to look after your propellers and carry spare units, especially if you plan on crossing seaweed-heavy waters, as we did during our Atlantic journey towards the Caribbean. Watt&Sea stands out as a trusted hydrogen supplier, offering both 300 Watt and 600 Watt systems with varying shaft lengths. These systems are designed to be fixed at the transom of your boat, weighing between 8 to 9 kilograms depending on the shaft length. They are compatible with 12 and 24 Volt systems. Remember to disconnect the hydrogenerator when your [...]

Electric hybrid and propulsion systems for sailing vessels

Von |2023-10-17T10:57:13+02:00Oktober 15th, 2023|Kategorien: Electric Propulsion, Sailing|Tags: |

Electric hybrid and propulsion systems for sailing vessels, such as those offered by companies like Oceanvolt (website:, are innovative technologies designed to revolutionize the way sailing vessels operate. These systems combine traditional sail power with cutting-edge electric propulsion technology, resulting in a more sustainable, efficient, and eco-friendly sailing experience. Here's a closer look at how these systems work and their key components: 1.Electric Propulsion System: Electric propulsion systems are the heart of the setup. They consist of electric motors and controllers that replace or complement the traditional diesel engines found in sailing vessels. These motors are powered by batteries and have several advantages, including quiet operation, reduced emissions, and instant torque for enhanced maneuverability. Today you find shaft drive systems or pod drive systems. The new 48V pod drive system, combine a sail drive unit and hydrogenerator. The pod drive can control the pitch of the propeller blades to optimize the angle for ultimate efficiency in both propulsion and electricity generation. Today a propeller on a sailing yacht is only foldable to offer less resistance while sailing. 2. Battery Bank: The power source for electric propulsion is a battery bank. These batteries store electrical energy, typically from renewable sources like the hydrogenerator, solar panels or wind turbines. The stored energy is then used to drive the electric motors, providing the vessel with the necessary power for propulsion. 3. Regeneration: One of the key features of these systems is their ability to regenerate power. When the sails are capturing wind energy efficiently, excess energy can be redirected to recharge the batteries. This regenerative feature extends the vessel's range and reduces overall energy consumption. 4. Hybrid Capabilities: Electric hybrid systems often offer a hybrid mode, allowing sailors to switch between electric and traditional propulsion as needed. This flexibility ensures reliability and [...]

10 years of sailing a Hallberg Rassy 43 and a Swan 48. A letter to my captain!

Von |2023-09-23T07:18:54+02:00September 23rd, 2023|Kategorien: Sailing|

Hallberg Rassy 43 Victoria Amorgos Greece 10 years living part time on board Dear Husband and Captain Torsten, I can hardly believe it's been ten years since that memorable day when you acquired your beloved sailing yacht, a Hallberg Rassy 43 named Victoria. It feels like just yesterday when we embarked on this incredible journey together. The adventures we've shared aboard Victoria are etched in my heart forever. Sailing from the serene Baltic Sea to the vibrant shores of Turkey was a dream come true. The memories of those azure waters, starlit nights, and the joyous laughter we shared on deck are treasures that time can never fade. Victoria, with her graceful lines and steadfast presence, became more than a vessel; she was our sanctuary and companion on the open sea. The countless sunsets we witnessed, the tranquil anchorages we discovered, and the warm hospitality we received in distant ports all became a part of our story. In 2019, we made the bittersweet decision to part with Victoria, selling her in Greece. While it was a difficult farewell to a faithful friend, it marked the beginning of a new chapter in our sailing adventures. Now, we find ourselves sailing our lovely Swan 48 named Ambra in the Caribbean. The turquoise waters and balmy breezes of this tropical paradise have brought a fresh dose of excitement and serenity to our lives. Ambra, like Victoria, has become our trusted companion in exploring the beauty of the world by sea. As I reflect on these past ten years, I am grateful for the journey we've taken, the vessels that have carried us, and the unwavering bond we share. Here's to another decade of thrilling voyages, tranquil moments, and new horizons, all aboard our beloved Ambra. May the wind always fill her sails, and [...]

Swan Magazine

Von |2023-09-16T12:59:45+02:00September 16th, 2023|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , |

Life's most touching surprises often arrive when least expected. We're deeply thankful to Nautor's Swan for documenting our dream journey from Tuscany to the Caribbean in their magazine. Owning a Swan is not just about the boat itself; it’s about Unparalleled Service for Swan Owners Owning a Swan is not just about the boat itself; it's about being part of a community that values excellence and adventure. Nautor's Swan provides an unparalleled level of service and support to their boat owners. 1. Customization: Swan owners have the opportunity to customize their yachts to their exact specifications, ensuring that each boat is a unique reflection of its owner's desires. 2. Maintenance and Repairs: Nautor's Swan offers a global network of service centers staffed by highly trained professionals. This ensures that Swan owners receive top-notch maintenance and repair services wherever they may be sailing. 3. Events and Regattas: Nautor's Swan hosts a range of exclusive events and regattas, allowing Swan owners to connect with fellow enthusiasts and put their boats to the test in friendly competition. 4. Resale Value: Swan yachts are renowned for retaining their value over time. The brand's reputation for quality and performance makes Swan boats highly sought after in the pre-owned market. Conclusion Nautor's Swan stands as a beacon of excellence in the world of sailing. Their iconic sailboat designs, commitment to innovation, and unwavering dedication to providing outstanding service to Swan boat owners make them a true leader in the industry. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or dreaming of your first voyage, Nautor's Swan offers an experience like no other, where elegance and performance come together on the open seas. being part of a community that values excellence and adventure. Nautor's Swan provides an unparalleled level of service and support to their boat owners.

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