
Atlantic Crossing from West to East: One Team – One Dream!

Von |2024-05-22T14:53:23+02:00Mai 22nd, 2024|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Sailing, Sturmwarnung|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Andreas, Torsten, André and Ulli, one day after the storm! 3,000 nautical miles later, here they are! The America-Europe crossing from Miami to the Azores was an extraordinary challenge. The route was more complicated and the journey more difficult due to intense weather conditions. They faced a fierce storm, relentless rain, waves up to 5 meters, and powerful currents reaching 46 knots for extended periods. Arriving with no fuel in the tank and no wind on the island of Flores in the Azores was mind-blowing and nerve-wracking, both for the crew and the back-office team at home. This feat demanded immense courage, determination, and an unyielding passion for sailing. Well done, guys! We are incredibly proud of you. More to come, can’t wait for the full story of my captain Torsten and the Team! This was the hard route back! All hail to the team on their expertise and bravery!!

Sailing Serenity: Exploring the Unspoiled Beauty of Isla de Vieques

Von |2024-02-13T15:13:20+01:00Februar 13th, 2024|Kategorien: Puerto Rico, Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Looking for a place to play Robinson Crusoe? Well, here you can wander along almost any stretch of sand and rarely see another soul. As you sail along the pristine coastline, the allure of secluded beaches and untouched landscapes welcomes you to a world of tranquility. For decades, Vieques grappled with a tumultuous history, marked by a clash between islanders and distant federal authorities. Two-thirds of the island's expanse, predominantly on the eastern end, served as a U.S. Navy bombing range, while the western tip functioned as an ammunition dump. The aftermath of a tragic bombing incident in April 1999 sparked widespread protests, eventually leading to the military's departure on May 1, 2003. Paradoxically, the military presence inadvertently shielded Vieques from rampant resort development. Today, the former naval grounds have transformed into the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge. The woodsy western end boasts cycling trails, offering a scenic ride around Monte Pirata, the island's highest peak. Year by year, more of the eastern region opens up, granting access to breathtaking beaches that gently slope into the calm embrace of turquoise waters. One of the refuge's highlights is Puerto Mosquito, a bay shaped like a flask inhabited by bioluminescent microorganisms. Kayakers can revel in the enchanting spectacle of glowing waters at night, creating a mesmerizing experience amidst nature's wonders. Sailing the turquoise waters around Vieques, Puerto Rico, with a light breeze, savoring lobster delights, and celebrating 35 years of cherished friendship with Angela Barzen 💋 As you sail around Vieques, the endless palms lining the shore stand testament to the island's pristine allure. The absence of resort developers, coupled with the protection afforded by the wildlife refuge, ensures an untouched paradise for those seeking solace on the high seas. In the embrace of Isla de Vieques, the echoes of a tumultuous past [...]

PredictWind: A Practical Guide to Weather Forecasting for Ambra

Von |2023-08-29T12:11:10+02:00August 6th, 2023|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Equipment|Tags: , , , |

  Weather plays a critical role in sailing, influencing course, speed, and onboard safety. As sailors on board Ambra, we understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date weather information, both onshore and offshore. We used PredictWind as a weather forecast app and routing on our Atlantic crossing.   PredictWind Weather Routing Atlantic Crossing on Ambra   In this blog post, we share our experience in obtaining the most reliable weather forecasts using Predictwind, an exceptional weather forecast service for sailors. We'll explore the challenges of offshore communication, choosing the right platform, and optimizing weather updates to ensure a smooth and safe journey. We will not focus in on weather information analyzing the current environment, clouds, pressure, radio, NAVTEX or VHF news in this blog article.     So, buckle up (or should I say, strap on your life jackets?) and let's sail into the world of weather forecasting on board Ambra!   1. Understanding the Challenge of Offshore Weather Forecasting: Crossing the Atlantic poses unique challenges, especially when it comes to obtaining weather updates offshore. Satellite systems and SSB communication can be slow and costly, making it essential to have a reliable backup system in place. Some services offer dedicated applications or services (via Email update or Grib files) to be used via satellite communications. Starlink as a broad band service onboard, could be an option to use onshore weather apps and services (need more bandwidth) but might not work reliable offshore. You should consider a backup system using satellite coms or SSB on top. In addition Starlink has a higher power consumption (check out ). SSB is complex and costly as well. You need to obtain the LRC license and install the system. The connection is not always reliable and very slow. However, it is [...]

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