Atlantic Crossing

Zurück in der Toskana : My passion is my energy!

Von |2024-08-18T11:47:03+02:00August 18th, 2024|Kategorien: about us, Atlantic Crossing, Boatlife, Côte d'Azur, Elba, Nautor’s Swan, Sailing, Worldcruising|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Maremma……. Finalmente Arrival Marina di Scarlino Müde aber happy! Große Erleichterung direkt nach der Ankunft! Vier Monate lang war mein Zuhause ein schwankendes Segelboot, das sanft auf den Wellen tanzte, während ich in meiner Koje lag, eingehüllt in die ruhige Stille der Nacht. Es ist ein Gefühl, das schwer in Worte zu fassen ist, wenn man jeden Morgen aufwacht und eine neue Insel, eine unbekannte Bucht oder ein fremdes Land vor sich hat. Grazie Ambra …. home is where my anchor drops ! Ambra is back in Europe Die Ungewissheit und das Abenteuer lockten jeden Tag aufs Neue, und diese Zeit war für Torsten und mich eine der eindrucksvollsten Erfahrungen unseres Lebens. In good shape after crossing the Atlantic twice! Unsere große Atlantik-Runde war mehr als nur eine Segelreise – sie war eine Reise zu uns selbst. Weit weg von der Hektik des Alltags haben wir das Tempo oft verlangsamt, die einfachen Dinge wieder schätzen gelernt und uns von der Schönheit der Natur überwältigen lassen. Jeder Tag war anders und gerade diese Abwechslung hat uns unglaublich bereichert.  Nach vielen Tausend Seemeilen wieder zuhause in der Toskana! Well done my hero ♥️ Die Ankunft in der Toskana war ein emotionaler Moment. Nach Monaten auf See, in denen das Boot unser einziger Zufluchtsort war, war es fast überwältigend, im Heimathafen von Scarlino anzukommen. Buongiorno Italia Alles war so vertraut und unkompliziert, als ob wir nie weg gewesen wären. Die Menschen, die Gerüche, die Geräusche – all das vermittelte uns ein tiefes Gefühl von Ankommen und Zugehörigkeit.  Magnum zur Begrüßung am Heimat-Hafen, grazie Nautor Swan Global Service Es ist so schön, wieder festen Boden unter den Füßen zu spüren, und die Familie und Freunde wieder so nah bei uns zu haben. Nach ein paar Wochen zurück in München und Kitzbühel, wo wir die [...]

Atlantic Crossing from West to East: One Team – One Dream!

Von |2024-05-22T14:53:23+02:00Mai 22nd, 2024|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Sailing, Sturmwarnung|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Andreas, Torsten, André and Ulli, one day after the storm! 3,000 nautical miles later, here they are! The America-Europe crossing from Miami to the Azores was an extraordinary challenge. The route was more complicated and the journey more difficult due to intense weather conditions. They faced a fierce storm, relentless rain, waves up to 5 meters, and powerful currents reaching 46 knots for extended periods. Arriving with no fuel in the tank and no wind on the island of Flores in the Azores was mind-blowing and nerve-wracking, both for the crew and the back-office team at home. This feat demanded immense courage, determination, and an unyielding passion for sailing. Well done, guys! We are incredibly proud of you. More to come, can’t wait for the full story of my captain Torsten and the Team! This was the hard route back! All hail to the team on their expertise and bravery!!

Sailing & Surf Paradise: Exploring the Southern Charms of Puerto Rico

Von |2024-02-20T13:23:55+01:00Februar 18th, 2024|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Boatlife, Nautor’s Swan, Puerto Rico, Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , |

Embarking on a nautical journey in the south of Puerto Rico unveils a world where the waves become your dance partners! Rincon's Serenade of Surf and Sun: Rincon, known for its mesmerizing waves, attracts sailors seeking the perfect blend of adventure and tranquility. As a sailing enthusiast, navigating through the crystalline waters surrounding Rincon feels like choreography with the ocean's rhythmic dance. The vibrant surf culture adds a unique charm to this coastal gem, making it an ideal destination for those craving a connection with both nature and the thrill of the sea. Don’t miss the LIGHTHOUSE | Surrounding the Faro de Punta Higuero (Rincón's lighthouse), Parque Pasivo El Faro has small kiosks at the water's edge. If you're lucky, you may spot a whale in the distance. Exploring Ponce – Carnival, History, and Beyond: Ponce has a yesteryear charm and an increasingly cosmopolitan vibe! Dive into the vibrant chaos of the Ponce Carnival, a lively celebration that unfolds with colorful parades, music, and a jubilant atmosphere. Ponce's vejigante masks are made of lapermâché and are most prominent during the February carnival. Many have tican and Native American elements. Sailing into Ponce provides a unique perspective, allowing you to witness the festivities from the tranquil waters, creating a memorable contrast to the lively streets. Ponce Yacht and Fishing Club: For sailors seeking a haven off the coast, the Ponce Yacht and Fishing Club is a maritime sanctuary. Nestled in a picturesque setting, this club offers not just a dock for your vessel but a community where fellow sailors share tales of the sea. Enjoy the camaraderie, facilities, and perhaps even participate in local regattas for an added dash of competitive spirit. From food trucks to farm-to-table restaurants to simple roadside stands, the southwest has great dining and snacking options. Sample [...]

PredictWind: A Practical Guide to Weather Forecasting for Ambra

Von |2023-08-29T12:11:10+02:00August 6th, 2023|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, Equipment|Tags: , , , |

  Weather plays a critical role in sailing, influencing course, speed, and onboard safety. As sailors on board Ambra, we understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date weather information, both onshore and offshore. We used PredictWind as a weather forecast app and routing on our Atlantic crossing.   PredictWind Weather Routing Atlantic Crossing on Ambra   In this blog post, we share our experience in obtaining the most reliable weather forecasts using Predictwind, an exceptional weather forecast service for sailors. We'll explore the challenges of offshore communication, choosing the right platform, and optimizing weather updates to ensure a smooth and safe journey. We will not focus in on weather information analyzing the current environment, clouds, pressure, radio, NAVTEX or VHF news in this blog article.     So, buckle up (or should I say, strap on your life jackets?) and let's sail into the world of weather forecasting on board Ambra!   1. Understanding the Challenge of Offshore Weather Forecasting: Crossing the Atlantic poses unique challenges, especially when it comes to obtaining weather updates offshore. Satellite systems and SSB communication can be slow and costly, making it essential to have a reliable backup system in place. Some services offer dedicated applications or services (via Email update or Grib files) to be used via satellite communications. Starlink as a broad band service onboard, could be an option to use onshore weather apps and services (need more bandwidth) but might not work reliable offshore. You should consider a backup system using satellite coms or SSB on top. In addition Starlink has a higher power consumption (check out ). SSB is complex and costly as well. You need to obtain the LRC license and install the system. The connection is not always reliable and very slow. However, it is [...]

How to cook in the middle of the Atlantic !!!

Von |2022-11-26T06:52:44+01:00November 23rd, 2022|Kategorien: Atlantic Crossing, cooking, On Bord, Sailing, Worldcruising|Tags: , , , , |

Where we are now! Thomas and Andreas Ambra Food Blog, Arc Atlantic crossing 2022, from Thomas and Andreas Cooking on board can be quite challenging As we are both passionate hobby cooks we wanted to challenge ourselves and see how good we could cook in the middle of the Atlantic. Preparing the meals We had the luxury to prepare everything in an rb&b apartment in Las Palmas during 7 days prior to our departure on the 20th November 2022. Cooking with a view So we decided to precook and pressure can about half of the hot dinners. We planned for 16 days plus 2 days safety on top. Andreas had brought a pressure canner on his lap as hand luggage in the airplane from Cologne. An unusual carry on item in an airplane seat. Next challenge was to find the properly sized pressure Glas containers in Las Palmas, that would fit our pot. For 8 dishes needed around 24 containers. After several scouting trips in the neighborhood and with the help of scout Melli, we bought about 30 containers plus some smaller sized ones for confined tomatoes and garlic. This allowed us to pressure can our precooked meals at 120 degrees in order to make sure any botulism (although very rare) is wiped out. We decided to precook about half of the dinners and cook the rest ‘live’. We managed to cook about two meals a day in the apartment as the glasses had to be under pressure for an 1,5 hours. We prepared oriental lamb with raisins, figues, pine nuts. Spanish porc with walnuts and apples. Rabbit stew with roasted chestnut sauce, a really good Bolognese with self made veal stock, Italian Salciccia sauce with anis and white wine, chili von carne with chipotle jalapeño and smoked peppers, boeuf [...]

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