Biggi’s Best

Warderick Wells and Shroud Cay: Shades of turquoise!

Von |2024-04-16T21:05:44+02:00April 16th, 2024|Kategorien: Sailing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The first significant island in the Exuma Cays Park is Shroud Cay, a curious 3-mile-long isle fringed by coral reefs with a heartland of mangroves and creeks. These areas offer really outstanding exploration by kayak, paddleboard or dinghy (if you're careful) through the mangrove creeks from the Exuma Bank side through to a gorgeous ocean beach on Exuma Sound. Trails from the beach to the top of the hill are clearly identifiable and you can climb to the top and take in a spectacular 360° view. This is a "must-see" if you enjoy pristine, spectacular, natural beauty and tranquility. Side Trip: Boo-Boo Hill Located on Warderick Wells, Boo-Boo Hill is the tallest hill on the cay and offers an amazing panoramic view of the Exumas as well as an unforgettable photo op. Atop Boo-Boo Cay is a lopsided monument created by bits of carved and painted driftwood left by cruisers to commemorate their visits. Legend has it that it's haunted by the unfortunate souls that have gone aground on the reef below. Some say you can hear them singing on moonlit nights (or it could just be the wind howling)...Nevertheless, the tradition is for cruisers to leave an offering atop Boo-Boo Hill to appease King Neptune and be blessed with good winds and smooth seas. Some come with pre-prepared signs or wood and paint, while others scrounge the beach for driftwood, seaweed, shells, coral and other treasures and make their offering on the spot. We haven't heard yet if it makes a difference what kind of offering you make but why not try it? It can't hurt.

Less is more!

Von |2019-08-19T08:12:26+02:00August 8th, 2019|Kategorien: Worldcruising|Tags: , , , , |

Hello from Ali Baba ! Ein wackeliger Holzsteg ohne Wasser und Strom. In der einzigen Taverna gibt es Hausmannskost frisch aus dem Garten und gegrillten Fisch. Wasser-Schildkröten schwimmen gelassen um uns rum. Nix außer glasklares Wasser und Felsen. Diese Bucht ist nur mit Schiffen zu erreichen. Loryma or Bozuk Bükü is a pleasant anchorage with several coves protected from the meltemi. Overlooking the coves is a large very well preserved Hellenistic castle overlooking the sea. Here the Athenian fleet was sheltered during the Peloponnesian War before the battle of Knidos. Also, in the third century BC, Demetrios Poliorkites assembled a large fleet here for his unsuccessful siege of Rhodes. Bozukkale is a large bay, lying between points; Kale Burnu and Değirmen Burnu, It indents to the north. A rock at the entry extend from the point. Drop anchor in 8 – 12 m and get a line ashore. The bottom is sand-weed. The winds blow from the valley behind and send swell in. The water is cool and so clean. You can either accept one of the restaurants’ mooring or anchor off-shore at 8-10 m. The bottom is weed and you should look for a patch of sand to drop the anchor. You can go and pick up laid moorings tailed to the piers. You can moor if you are taking meal at the restaurants. They produce their own electricty and they bake bread in the morning. They offer stone oven cooked dishes, fish cooked in the famous flambe salt crust, goat, free range chicken and wild boar. All the vegetables served with your food are grown in their own organic garden found behind the Ali Baba Restaurant. They also bake their own bread which you can buy to take back to your yacht. Ali Baba is a good place [...]

Das Meer ist wie Dein Unterbewusstsein – es ist immer stärker als Du! Wenn Du Dich wirklich kennenlernen möchtest, dann fahr zur See!

Von |2018-12-09T12:26:31+01:00Dezember 3rd, 2018|Kategorien: Worldcruising|Tags: , , , |

Seitdem ich vom Segelvirus befallen bin, möchte ich gerne anderen zeigen, wie wunderschön es ist, wenn die Küste am Horizont verschwindet. Was das Meer dann mit einem machen kann, ist unbeschreiblich. Die Zeit vergeht anders, der Blick auf die Welt und das Leben verändert sich. Wir, die Crew der Victoria, sind dankbar, dass wir die Leidenschaft für das Reisen auf dem Wasser vermitteln können. Unsere Segelreisen sind für uns die schönste Art, die Natur zu erkunden und neue Länder und Inseln zu entdecken. Es gibt viele gute Gründe, mit aller Leidenschaft auf Langfahrt zu gehen, ganz wichtig ist für uns das Gefühl von Freiheit und die ständige Inspiration. Apropos Inspiration: Der lange Winter gibt uns allen jetzt die Möglichkeit sich auf die wichtigen Dinge des Lebens zu besinnen, wie zum Beispiel die nächsten Segelreisen zu planen oder auch die spannenden Berichte von anderen Fernweh-Süchtigen zu lesen. Hier meine Top 5 Geschenk-Ideen: Schaut hier rein bei Biggi's Best Für Idealisten Für Abenteurer Für Fernweh-Süchtige Für Naturburschen Für Weltumsegler Wir wünschen Euch eine schöne und ruhige Vorweihnachtszeit! Biggi & Torsten ?⛵️

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